Our Story

Hello and welcome! I’m Alisha, the heart and hands behind this blog. My husband, Dustin, and I both were born and raised in small town rural Kansas. We started dating in high school. I was 15, and he was 17. Slightly unconventional, we welcomed our first son in 2007 and were married in 2008 after 4 years of dating. Not moving far from home, we settled a short distance from his parents in a late 1800’s farmhouse on 4 acres. In total we had three boys and one girl ages 17, 15, 13, and would be 12. In 2023 our lives were forever shattered when our youngest son (10) was killed in an automobile accident on the way to school one cold January day. Stricken with grief and depression we both quit our corporate jobs for a slower pace career where we could rebuild our lives without our beautiful son Trippy. Always craving that homestead life, we decided to jump in headfirst as we make our dreams a reality (Slowly). Our journey has been a long and hard one but one we are excited to share with all our likeminded friends.

Homesteading, to me, is more than just a lifestyle; it’s about reconnecting with nature, being self-reliant, and rediscovering the traditional skills that our fast-paced world often overlooks. This blog is a window into my world – a place where I share my experiences, triumphs, and challenges as I navigate the rewarding path of homesteading.

Start Homesteading

From starting a vegetable garden and raising chickens to preserving food and crafting homemade goods, each post is a chapter of my ongoing adventure. But this blog isn’t just about what I do; it’s about what we can learn together. It’s a space for sharing knowledge, inspiring each other, and building a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for a simpler, more sustainable way of life.

So, whether you’re an experienced homesteader, an aspiring green thumb, or simply curious about this way of life, I invite you to join me on this journey. Let’s learn, grow, and thrive together in our pursuit of a more grounded and gratifying existence.

Welcome to my homesteading journey – where every day is an opportunity to cultivate happiness from the ground up.

Start Homesteading

Grow Your own Food

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Cook from Scratch

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